Lympne Castle & Pedlinge Directions - route runs clockwise:
SSW - Saxon Shore Way | EVW - Elham Valley Way | NDW - North Downs Way | ECP - England Coast Path | FP - Footpath | TR - Turn right | KG - Kissing Gate | TL - Turn left
1. Begin the walk at Portland Road car park. Leave by the ‘no entry’ exit and cross the road taking the path between the Royal Military Canal on your right and building on your left to Dymchurch Road. Cross Dymchurch Road by the pelican crossing, TL and then after a few yards TR down the path alongside the canal.
2. At the end of the path, when you reach Scanlon’s Bridge Road, cross the road towards the Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway, TR, go over the bridge and TL into Green Lane.
3. A short distance on, when you reach the small car park on your left, you can take either the high-level towpath or the low-level path. The towpath tends to be muddy in wet weather but gives a better view of the canal with its abundant wildlife.
4. On the lower path, just after the 1 and 7/8 miles marker, look up to your right, at the top of the hill you will see one of the famous WWII sound mirrors. Continue until you reach the road. Cross over and remain on the canal path.
5. Pass the 3-mile marker and cycle network marker on your right, pass the turning to the dam on your left, pass an interpretation board ‘A view into History’ on your right. A short distance on.
6. Applicable only if you are undertaking the extended route - otherwise go to direction 7.
Continue along the path to the next footpath on the right. This takes you alongside the wildlife park where you can see a variety of animals including, zebra & giraffes. TR and head up the hill past the giraffe house to the top. TR before the main road and follow the Saxon Shore Way.
7. TR over a bridge and head up the track on the other side. Head straight up the hill, pausing on the way to look right and enjoy the panorama of Romney Marsh and Hythe Bay. In the field notice the remains of Stutfall Castle. Further on, as you swing round to the left, enjoy the view of Lympne Castle.
8. Enter the woodland and TR continuing on the same path. When you meet the junction with another path, TR. After a short distance, pass an information panel for Stutfall Castle on your left. The Millennium Wood is on your left. Leaving the top of the escarpment, bear left then slightly right between two buildings at the end of the path.
9. At the road, TR, then keep straight on passing the signpost for Lympne School. On the right is Lympne Castle and ahead is Lympne Church. TL into the Castle car park continuing round to the right. Go around the gate at the end of the path and continue to the main road.
10. TR onto the main road, pass the Shepway Cross and the road on your right. Cross the road, go over the stile and take the footpath. Go straight towards the stile on the far side, passing a derelict stile on your left. When you reach the end of the hedge and a stile, turn right at 45 degrees crossing the field towards the road with the cottage on your right. When you reach the road, TL crossing the field diagonally aiming for the end of the wood on your left. Continue straight, diagonally across the next field.
11. Go through a gap in the undergrowth, where you meet a crossroads of paths. Carry straight on towards a green barn in the distance. As you near the barn, pass between two ditches and turn immediately left, through the gate keeping to the SSW. Proceed diagonally across the field and go through the gate on the far side. Continue on the BW to the main road.
12. TL onto the main road and after 20 yards TR along a track. TR, keeping Pedlinge Church on your LHS. Go through the gate, keep the fence on your right, then bear round to the right and walk through the field keeping the fence on your RHS. Head towards a gateway in the corner of the field with Harp Wood on the right.
13. Pass through the gateway and go straight across the field towards the next wood. Pass through the gate and continue along the track. When you reach the bottom of the descent, cross the bridge over a stream, 10 yards further on cross a second bridge, then take the right fork when the path divides and head through the trees.
14. Keep to the path on the edge of the stream. Climb five steps, continue along to the end of the path and TL left towards the play park. Walk straight up the slope to the road. TR onto the road and follow it down, bearing round to the right to the main road. TL onto the main road, cross over and continue on the other side. Follow the pavement round to the right, cross Green Lane and the bridge over the canal, cross the road at the pedestrian crossing and enter Holman's Field.
15. Follow the path, with the canal to your left, passing the plaque to John Charles Holman. At the end of the path turn left into Dymchurch Road and after a few yards cross the road at the pedestrian crossing. Take the path between the building on your right and the canal on your left. Where the path meets Portland Road, cross the road and arrive at the starting point car park.