'HERITAGE HYTHE' - 12th - 22nd August 2021
Heritage Hythe was held in August 2021, as part of the Society’s celebrations to mark its 75th Anniversary, albeit one year later due to the pandemic. Fixed displays describing the history of over 100 of the town’s buildings and sites were arranged across Hythe and organised as five self-guided walk trails. The displays proved to be popular.
We received positive feedback, including questions about a permanent display or a book. Initially, the plan is to include all the ‘On this site’ displayed material as five e-flipbooks on this website. Development work for this is ongoing. Depending on feedback and interest the Committee will consider the production of a limited print of a soft or hard cover book.
On this page you will find more about the events that took place in August 2021.
Heritage Hythe was made possible by the time, effort and support of a large number of people and businesses and other organisations to whom we remain extremely grateful.
Heritage Hythe Displays, Suggested Walks and Maps
Self-guided walking trails covering the displayed material were available throughout the event period.
There were 5 walks: The High Street - Red Lion Walk - Fisherman's Walk - Church Walk & Ladies' Walk. The maps for these can be viewed here 5 Walks
We are pleased that many people undertook some or all of the walks and from the feedback received it's clear there remains a keen interest in Hythe's rich history and heritage.
We were pleased to be able to present links to a number of film clips about Hythe and its features from times past. The links are from Screen Archive South East, British Pathe, and Cream of Cards TV, and one from Paper Boat Documentaries. Click on the heading to view the links.
The quiz questions and answers can be viewed from the link above.
The Events
An Evening Talk - ‘The Impact of Enemy Invasions on our Bit of Coast’, by Mike Umbers launched the celebratory events.
An Information Stand in the High Street displayed a range of material featuring the Dymchurch Grand Redoubt, Hythe's Conservation Area, HCS publications and aerial photos and paintings.
Larger ‘On this Site’displays were featured at Sainsbury's, at Fisherman's Beach, the RHDR station in Hythe; and in St Leonard's Church. Many of the High Street shops and businesses had posters in their windows and displays were fixed on lamp columns etc., across the town.
A special Guided Walk of Hythe and St Leonard's Church took place starting from the Town Hall.
A sell-out celebratory concert featuring the Ashford Youth Jazz Orchestra was held in St Leonard’s Church as the event finale.